Saturday 16 August 2014

Scanning 2

After last time of the little size of the baby, we went there on Sat again. Although, we need to pay for $40, but it's more convenient..

16/8 scan again - this time I drink water very late.. Scanning lady can hear the heartbeat now.. Beating very fast :) and baby is hiding inside the whole..  It's on my left bottom!! Naughty naughty.. It's now 1.04mm long

After scanning, we are heading to Hamilton and pick up our sharp vacuum cleaner, which costs $420!

Day trip ~~

Meeting midwife

Ok, we decided to use midwife (the same one as Kepo use)..

6 August 9am- met midwife for the first time. Have to fill in all information and details.. 
Weighted me and the height, and urine test.

Also giving an iodine prescription . 
And said it's the time for a dating scan.

8/8 1st dating scan - can not see the heartbeat, the baby still too small (0.04mm) n asked us to check again on next week.. I was so worried! 
Ring to midwife on the next day, booked the scan again


Since there was only one line of my last check on 18 July..,

I started feeling a bit strange... Breast sore , tummy sore on the left side. I just thought well I already checked, must be something wrong with my body .. I need to take care of! 

26 June - Gabi n Alan came n visit us on our new house since we moved in! Yes, Gabi is pregnant for 4 n half months already! It's a GIRL ☺️
She gave me some suggestions and the left over of her testing and checking packs. (With a piece of period pad, it brings a good luck in tawian tradition) 😉 

On the next day, I still feeling a bit strange ... Still thought I already checked why still ?? Let's search online.. The sytomps are quite similar.. 
Had a thought, why not checked again, but using Gabi's..

28 July - Checked again in the morning..  The second line is showing, it's appearing!! I was so surprised. It was in the middle of the early early morning, I can't wait to tell my hubby! 
So I wake him up!! And let him to see! 
He just did an operation on his eyes, can't see properly, but still telling me , there is 2 lines!! 😳😳😉😘 BINGO! 
And then we can't sleep and talking.. Whispering until my alarm goes on :p
Ok it's time to go to work (don't really want to go at this moment)..., 

Still want to check again, so after work. I checked again! Yes,  bingo !! 😉
Checked again 29th July ! 

And then quickly ring and make a Dr appointment on the next day.. 
Visit Dr - 30th July 
Dr gave us a choice of specialise or mid-wives
He said for the first child, it's better to see specialist. They will be able to check everything for you during your pregancy to birth. Whereas if anything midwife can not do, they will refer you to see public specialise in another location.

So we started thinking what to do... 

Checking the result time!!

5 july night, a bit sore on the left bottom tummy 

Checked on 18 July - nothing 😓😓



最終在某網站,食黑豆能keep warm your 子宮 which can have more chance to pregnant..
And if not, it can help you to have a better flow of periods..

Also ginger raw sugar tea!!☕️

So I follow some of the instruction and give a go to see the magic! 😌

21 June night- 1st day: eat black beans abt 45 pieces
22 June-25 : AM drink ginger raw sugar tea, 
23-25 June 黑豆 at night
26, 28 and 30 June - try  😳
check after 6-11days👉👈
