Saturday 27 December 2014

Xmas coming to town!

Taking my leave from 25 Dec, back to work on 5 Jan!! Yeah taking a short break with my hubby :) nothing much to do apart from resting n preparing bb stuff ;)

Baby starts kicking a lot in the morning n night.. Sometimes can't stop!

This year I bought a perfume gift set n a belt for my hubby.. And he bought an instant camera for me :D surprise!! Because of the flexibility ... So changed a printer instead :p sorry dear for yr hard wondering around :p

On Boxing Day, we also bought a baby capsule maxi cosi AP $359.90 from baby factory.. $20 cheaper than babycity!
And some clothes n other stuff for baby..

Next day, botanic garden.. Tired legs now ;)

22 Dec 2014 - visit midwife

It's another month again n time to visit my midwife..
Everything seems fine, baby seems in the right position n toward right side.. Can't wait to the next scan :p
My tummy is 28 cm long
I can see my weight is getting heavier... It's now around 58kg!!

Have to do any other blood test ard 12 Jan ;( another challenge !!

Saturday 20 December 2014

31 Oct - Anatomy scan on Halloween :)

Jackys big sister went with us !!
The lady said she can see the sex of the baby!!
It's a BOY!!!!
But hiding his face away from the camera ..
Baby u look great :) good n healthy !

Then we go home.... Jacky's mum asked n when we tell her it's a BOY! She was soso Happy! Jumping up n down.. So funny.. Jacky's sis said she should take a pic of her when we tell her .. Capture her excited expression.. :D

Baby be good.. Love u

Friday 19 December 2014

26 Sept - nuchal scan

Did a nuchal scan n bought a package, which costs $330 unlimited scan but only with referral letters..

Measured the size, see the nuchal bones..
Saw my little baby .. Still tiny :) lying well position with daddy's favourite lip :D

Saturday 13 December 2014

14 Dec 2014

Just week 25 now...
Baby is very active , move any time any where even mama is sleeping..
Hope u r healthy baby .
Gained 5 kg , tummy not too big.. Abt 88 cm

Start planning my leaves n sorting out baby stuff

Sunday 7 December 2014

Week 24

Junjun is getting bigger n more active .. 
He starts kicking me in the afternoon, can't sit straight .. May be I need a cushion...

2 Dec 2014 - Gabi baby

Gabi's baby Annebella! Was born on last Friday, 28 nov.. It only took her 3 hrs, but she has induce n ipoonge. 
That's quick which we just had chat ard 6pm n baby born ard 9! 
Visited her on the next day at Parnell birthcare😌
We also went to their weekend tour of site visit.. 
It seems better to have yr partner with u on the first couple days in the private or premium room.. Although, it will costs $425 per night.. Will be much relaxing than twin room.. 

After that, we went to baby on the move n look for capsules.. I think we will going to hire rather than buy.. Brand new costs abt $210 + trollers $?

Baby baby you are growing, mummy n daddy are planning things ahead for u dear :) my previous dear ;)