Tuesday 21 October 2014

21/10/2014 third visit with midwife

Running a bit late today, but managed to see my midwife..
Everything alright, result from Down syndrome test is at a low risk..,
Blood pressure slightly down.... Should keep on eyes

Hear baby's heartbeat today :) very active.... Running around inside :) so cute baby.. Hope you are healthy enough!

Also based on my scans, it's like week 17 already. Due date is more likely to be end of March.. I'm getting confused with all the date and weeks of pregnancy! On my previous count, bb should be now week 16..... Need to check with my midwife again after the next scan..

Ready for the next scan - anatomy scan (between week18-20)!
And booked for the next appointment...

And today, my hubby finally managed to buy me a Lewis road creamery chocolate milk :) happy happy

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