Friday 24 April 2015

25/4/2015 Anzac Day 接近一個月

坐月子快近一個月,距離洗澡洗頭的日子也𣎴遠 :)
This also means my bb is almost a month old :) good boy

Still haven't got a proper routine yet...
We should have a set time for feeding n sleeping .. Finally I've got a bit more of milk, but still have an issue to put him in sleep...  ;(
 Hubby is going to work soon, I need to train him

Wednesday 22 April 2015

23/4/2015 辛苦

快一個月,希望他能快高長大 😉😘

Monday 20 April 2015

21/4/2015 - Day 26 taking my baby to see specialist

Another specialist visit today!!
Since we've been seeing lactation consultant at NSH last week, they suggest us to see the specialist for further advice..
My baby seems can not sucking probably, it is possible that he might have a tongue tight at the back of the tongue.. Difficult to get milk from me. May be it's my issue.. So I start drinking 通奶湯

Thursday 9 April 2015

29 March - 3rd night

Horrible 3rd night - 29 March 
- have to stay in the hospital by myself n bb again as the specialist is coming in Monday . 
To check bb's yellow level and myself..
- supposed to have someone to look after me on a regular basis.. However the nurse ends up to the theatre for the second half of the night.. Helpless night ;(  
Baby cries for the whole night and wants to suck suck suck all night long..  I have to leave him in bed n squeeze a minute to the bathroom as the other nurse said he will be alright to stay in bed!! Crazy thought 

Another patient came early morning around 3-4am after c-section.. And her husband stayed with her until ard 7..
My baby cries couple times, I'm so worry that might wake up their baby.. Their baby was just born, so he's very tired.. Sleep sleep didn't wake him up every time..

2/4/2015 - Day 8

8 days old - 2/4/2015
Just weighted myself : 57.3kg
Finally we have decided to call him - Jaden :)

Feature: Love to sleep with his mouth open :p

Didn't had a good sleep last night n waking up on every hour .. Still unable to control my urine :( practice practice !

1 April - Day 6 milk comes

Finally my milk comes on day 6, which people normally have milk on day 3... >< poor baby, mummy didn't know that u r not feeding enough..  ;/

Yesterday everyone is so worry as my baby continues crying
Tried the breast pump, it doesn't work; hand squeeze doesn't flow properly..  Eventually, bought a tin of formula milk  from supermarket.. BB gets satisfied after 50ml of formula milk.. 

10/4/2015 Day 15

終於見到 a stream of milk from my breast.. It's only a tiny stream.. But it's improving my milk supply to my bb..
My bb is getting grumpy n ignored by sucking mine for a small amount of milk.. He prefers to use bottle!! ;(
I need to train him back n feeding him directly even it hurts ;s

Sleepless last night again.. We are in the routine that my husband looks after him for the first part of the night.. And I look after ard 4am until morning!
Both of us don't have enough sleep every night .. What a new parents are >~<

Tuesday 7 April 2015

30 March 2015 - our 2nd anniversary n discharge day!

Finally I'm able to leave the hospital and bring my little one home.. Home sweet home :) I miss my bed my house my everything..

Sleepless again.. Bb keeps sucking all night, couldn't let go.. A night shift nurse suppose to help, however she turned to the theatre for most of the time.. Helpless night... Another nurse couldn't help, she just said u have to deal with it n let ur baby sucked for the whole night..  >< bb stick with me and sucking for the whole night.. It's very tiring for my little man :(

Around 6am, called my hubby to come earlier n look after my bb while I'm resting... Well I know my hubby is tired too... He stays late n get up earlier is difficult for him.. Daddy gogogo!!!

7 April- Day 11

My baby is 11 days old now.. 
I'm still unable to feed him all at once.. Don't know if it's because of my milk flow .. He seems fine with sucking on my breast.. 
I eat lot of rice that previous.. Don't know why.. So worry, don't want to give him formula all the time..

Well my milk only came on day 6.. He already has an temper 

Sunday 5 April 2015

25 March - contraction starts

昨晚已經有少少M痛的感覺。但今晚差不多每幾分鐘一次,轉身又停了一下,轉頭又再來。真的睡不著了。好彩現在是5:30am , 總算有睡過好幾個小時。

Go back to bedroom n try to sleep again, Slept back ard 7am and wake up ard 10 due to the contraction.. And upset tummy.. Went to bathroom.. Bloody show starts.. However contraction is not as much often as before.. 

Rang midwife, she said bloody show could last couple days.. Wait until contraction is 3 mins apart.. Then u have to go to hospital


26 March - contraction is more stronger

Contraction is getting more stronger.. Try to sleep, but wake up at 12am with more often contractions..  Going in n out to the bedroom n lounge for the whole night.. Coz don't want to wake my hubby up..
Finally stayed until 5am, asked hubby to call midwife..
She came over around 9am n check if the cervix is open to the level where it's the time to the hospital.
Unfortunately cervix is only about 4cm.. Still have to wait n ask me not to lie down on the bed n do things as usual.. But I already upto the stage where I can't do anything n no appetite... Hubby cooked some lunch for me, but I can't finish .. So we start watching TV n keep me away from pain..

23 March - another scan

Another liquid volume and BPP scan today.. Everything goes to normal now..
Had a meeting with my midwife, Baby's head is engaged now.. Less space for him to move his head.. It's getting there :) not sure if it will be before due date or not .. Wait and see!!
Midwife only does something if there is 41 weeks n 5 days overdue.. 
Bb will u be coming out soon?? Tick tak, tick tak....