Sunday 3 January 2016

3 Jan - almost choking!!

Choking by teething biscuits!!
New year la!! 
Christmas baby received so many presents n clothes from gu mass n gu je.. It was a very late night for him.. Feel so bad :(

He has 2 teeth once turned 9 months old!! Not crying at night so much because of teething!! Good boy!! 

Today 3rd Jan was a scary day!! He almost choked himself by teething biscuits. He loves eating so much.. This afternoon when he started eating n licking the lid of the container, we let him go sit on his chair n letting him to eat a teething biscuits with Babi sitting next to him.. Suddenly he cries n almost choked himself ! I quickly go to the room n see what happen.  He got tears in his eyes . I saw he got something in his mouth, I take it out n he vomit it on to my hand.. But he still seems a bit strange, we teach him how to vomit something out of his mouth.. He did it.. And a piece of biscuits came out from his mouth!! It's reasonable size !! Gosh!! He almost choked himself!! 
Need to give him something else instead now.. Scared to give him a long teething biscuits again ;(

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