Sunday, 20 December 2015

Nearly 9M Menu

Nearly 9M Menu 
Congee / baby rice with
Steamed Cabbage -ok
Steamed Avocado - ok but strange :p
Steamed Spanish - doesn't like it as much as others, but still eat

8M23D - new food

8M23D - new food
After meeting plunket on the other day, I need to provide 3 solid meals a day... To meet bb ' s requirements.. 
My plan is to give him to try:


18 Dec 2015 - 8M21D - solid poo!

8M21D - solid poo!
A day before, bb did 2 small solid poo at once.
On the next day, poo twice within a day! It's a solid poo.. Only once at a time... 
BB is feeling hard to push poo out ;( need to get him to drink more water which he doesn't like it! 

八個半月 - non stop crying at night

昨天小寶貝半夜又哭不停,我跟貝爸抱了很久還在哭。。不知道什麼事。最後還是要出絕招 -_-#

Sunday, 13 December 2015

13 Dec - Santa photo again

This is the second time that we are taking photo with Santa on my baby's first year Christmas!!
Bought a Santa top for him yesterday ..

Tried cabbage today!!
Plan for this week..
Cabbage, porridge and pumpkin!

Sunday, 6 December 2015

6 Dec 2015 - 1st Christmas party

Because hubby got a free ticket from his work.. We went there with our baby! Free gift, ice block and taking the photo with Santa!! As on his first Christmas;)
Baby sleeps so little today as we arrived, he was asleep.. And no long he wakes up.. We only managed to sit down n eat our lunch n feed him... Then watch tiger only! 
But that's ok.. Baby is not shy to see crowd! Well done my boy ;)

2 Dec 2015 - sleep horizontally!!

小寶貝- sleeping horizontally!!
Tonight around 4am, I heard some noise keeps moving n moving.. Then realise my boy was sleeping horizontally across his cot with one leg outered!! Couple nights ago, his one of the leg can coming through from the only hole of the sleeping bag! Naughty naughty;)
Last night, he sleeps on his right side with a leg out
Tonight sleeps horizontally with a leg out..
What will happen tomorrow night:o ?

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Very good website for feeding guide!

8 months - new menu

8 months - added potatoes on his menu
Gave him to try mashed potatoes today.. He seems loves it.. Going to give him 2 more days in case he's allergy to that.. 

Since the birthday I attended day ago, a boy who's only 10 months looks like a 2! He eats everything now.. And having milk 3 times a day. Morning 200ml, afternoon 100ml and before bed 200ml.. Other than that he's replaced with solid food..
I think it's time to give my baby more solid food to try at least 2 times a day..

Kumara is on my list!!

Bb 8 months la!!

Bb 8 months la!! 
Today I gave him a banana to try, surprisingly he doesn't like it!! Usually he just eats eats n eheh for some more, but this time he's so funny n hate banana ;p

At the moment he loves pear a lot .. Apple is a bit sour.. Porridge is too plain ;)

Almost 8 months

Almost 8 months old now.. 
Baby growing fast as expected!! Seeing his face n smiling at mami everyday n night is the adorable moments that I ever had :) baby please be a good boy n looking after mami !! 

He started using his bum to move forward :p fat pat pat!

7 months - try to seat!!

7M 中-try to sit
He can use upper body to get up n sit


Bb 食最好的,媽咪只有食蘋果芯 



Since turned 7 months .. 

6個月後, 添加辅食的顺序



13 November - sleeping challenge

Since turned 7 months .. 

4 November- call mama

在厠所中,小壞蛋不停哭,有一侅哭著叫mama.. 心痛了,但肚痛,不能馬上出來。

1 November- new car seat

New car seat 
Evenflo Platinum Symphony em/ten / Emerson $549!
Bought a new car seat for my baby, he's out grown from the capsule now.. Fat patpat :p

Saturday, 31 October 2015

7個月 and few days - cry at night!!

7 months n few days
Sleepless night! We don't know whether he's growth spurt or not.. We put him to bed around 9, he just cried on every hour. Then we pick him up n he settled after cuddling him for a while. Fall back to sleep again and then cry again. 
It happens for couple nights already. We both don't have enough sleep ><*
Baby please be good to mummy n daddy! 


Bb 7個月大了
He hated tummy time so much when he's little. But now he loves it and just turned over within a second !! Incredible baby! 

12 October - bb calls MaMa :)

12 October - bb calls MaMa :)
I heard that a few times, but wasn't sure if he's calling mama or just rumbling.. 
Last night, he called MaMa while hubby changing his nappy.. Hubby called me and said bb is calling you.. Calling MaMa :)
That's real, not just me hear that.. Good boy.. Mama loves you :)

11 October - Remarkable! Kelly tarlton!

11 October - Remarkable! Kelly tarlton!
Baby first time going to the kelly tarlton to see fishssssss :) 
It was a very tiring day for mum n dad ;( sleepless.. But fun! Looks like bb enjoys it! Exploring more to the world !

10/10 new car seat

New car seat 
Evenflo Platinum Symphony em/ten / Emerson
Bought a new car seat for my baby, he's out grown from the capsule now.. Fat patpat :p

7 October- My baby turns today!!

7 October- My baby turns today!!
Left him on the playmat while I'm preparing lunch this morning.. After couple minutes, when I look back, he's already in a tummy time position!
Next milestone.....

Sunday, 4 October 2015

4 October- first food!!

今天第一次食solid food!! :)light 粥水!
On the next minute, either the porridge or his mouth water is already came out from his mouth.. Maybe he doesn't know how swallow.. So cute.. 
Will try again tomorrow!!

6 months now...

My boy is 6 months old now ;)
We have arranged a semi birthday dinner with Khloe.. So the cake has both names on it..
This time around I wasn't quite planned earlier n ambition to organise something.. May be it's already 6 times since his birth :) cake every month :p

But both of kids are really enjoy:) although little j is a bit tired at the end.. And getting grumpy!! Poor baby needs to sleep more!

16 September- no1 homecare

Enrolled to no1 homecare..
Basically we meet all their requirements.. So it is currently sent to police for the final criminal check.
Once approved, we should receive subsidies of $70 per week (for those under ages 2, if above, it will only be $30)..
- No funding on public holiday 
- need to pay plenty fees if - 
   - Opt out before 6 months 
   - move caring location house $100
   - change caregiver $100

Basic requirements:
Fully fencing 
Cared by other person with NZ citizenship 
Cared maximum of 30 hours per week

Hands and feet casting - 14/9

Cool cool cool..
We arranged someone to do a casting on Monday!
Wake up late and rushed everything even my hubby arrived just before the lady arrives.
Baby hands and feet casting.. Bb found it so much fun !! Very patient n calm on the day even he just had 100ml before hand.. 
We are still choosing the frame... Yet to confirm;)

Finally decided the frame on 23 September! Have to wait 3-4 weeks for the product outcome "-"

Saturday, 29 August 2015



5 months comes..

Another cake for parents :p
Baby wants to eat too!! Okok when u are turning 2 or 3 !! ;)

The third times ~ vaccination

This time, he cried so loud!! ><
Daddy holds on to him, mummy stands aside... Can't handle the scream ;(

And then Get the doctor to check his ear.. It's only a fatty tissue.. No concern so far..
Bb you are so strong and brave!!
Had a mild fever at night.. Daddy keeps asking me to check his temperature when I wake up in the middle of the night.. Checked several times.. He's fine, but just didn't sleep well

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

BCG vaccination outcome

It's about 6 weeks since bb had an vaccination..
Today his red dot turns into a lump with white stuff inside..  I quickly showed to my hubby and get a glaze to cover it up on that night.. Just in case it exploits and stick to the clothes..

Growth spurt or teething?? 23 Aug

The last Sunday was another nightmare night..
Baby doesn't want to sleep even we cuddled him for 2 hours.. And then he keeps awaking on every 2 hours. My hubby just gives him a dummy, then he settled n fell to sleep couple times on that night..

On Monday, regular check at plunket.. Drove about 10 mins away from our house ..
He's growing and gained lots of weight!! Fat bb :p but healthy!!

We told the plunket nurse about last night.. She said could be another growth spurt or may be teething.. Asked us to give him some milk on second time he woke up.. Umm.. Seems no one knows if it is a real growth spurt..
Luckily the same things didn't happen.. It could be just teething!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Easy recipes

If u want something sweet, try this --

Lemon yoghurt muffins

 2 1/2 cups self-raising flour
 3/4 cup caster sugar
 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind
 1/4 cup lemon juice
 1 cup vanilla yoghurt
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 1 egg, lightly beaten
 Icing sugar mixture and lemon zest, to serve

Step 1 Preheat oven to 190°C/170°C fan-forced. Grease two 24-hole, 1 1/2 tablespoon capacity mini muffin pans.

Step 2 Combine flour and sugar in a bowl. Make a well in centre. Add lemon rind, lemon juice, yoghurt, oil and egg. Using a wooden spoon, stir until just combined.

Step 3 Spoon mixture into prepared pan holes. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, swapping pans halfway during cooking, or until golden an cooked through. Stand in pans for 3 minutes. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool. Dust with icing sugar. Top with lemon zest. Serve.

Bacon and cheese muffin

2 1/2 Cup Self Raising Flour
1 Egg
1 1/4 Cups milk
3/4 Cup Cheese
300gm Shoulder Bacon

Sift flour into bowl, stir in the rest of the ingredients. Do not over-mix. Spoon mixture into pan. Bake muffins for 25mins at 200C.
準備時間: 20分鐘 + 冷藏時間 
烹調時間: 35分鐘 
分量: 20片 (我用 4.8cm 直徑的圓形曲奇模) 


  • 牛油(奶油 butter 置室溫軟化)120克
  • 純糖霜(pure icing sugar)40克 
  • 低筋粉(cake flour) 150克 
  • 粘米粉 25克 
  • 鹽 1/8茶匙 
牛油酥餅製作圖 Shortbread Cookies Procedures01
左上小圖:粘米粉 (rice flour).
牛油酥餅製作圖 Shortbread Cookies Procedures02


  1. 先把低筋粉,粘米粉和鹽拌勻。備用。 
  2. 用搞拌器把牛油打發至蓬鬆,分三次加糖霜,打勻至發白。 
  3. 分三次篩入麵粉混合物。用膠刮輕手拌勻。切勿過度搞拌。用手輕壓成麵團。轉至一張保鮮膜,用另一張保鮮膜覆蓋上面。然後用擀麵棍滾開成 1½ cm 厚的麵塊。封好,放入雪櫃(fridge)冷藏1小時,或可隔夜。 
  4. 預熱焗爐至 150C / 300F. 
  5. 拿出麵塊,置室溫約 10分鐘回軟些。用擀麵棍把麵塊滾壓至 1cm 厚。用曲奇餅模切出小麵團,置鋪了烘培紙的焗盤上。放入已預熱的焗爐中,焗約25分鐘。熄火,讓曲奇餅留在焗爐中燜焗多 10分鐘。中途可把焗盤轉方向,令曲奇餅平均受熱。(註:餘下的麵團,未入焗爐,可放回雪櫃中。待要做時,才拿出來跟這步驟繼續做。) 


Friday, 14 August 2015

4-5 months changes

Horrible sleeping issues happened after 4 months..

Scream n non stop crying before we put him in bed .. we have to spend at least 1-2 hours to put him to sleep .. And we already cuddle him for at least half an hour or more ..

My friends suggested to play with him at least 15 mins and do lot of tummy time..
Let's see how it goes baby!

Monday, 10 August 2015

Mission success!!

Finally managed to visit the office and seeing my colleagues..
Bb did cry during the travel.. And I have to stop n settling him..
Bought a carrot cake n some donuts ..
Bb loves Audrey much.. May be she was talking to me while I'm having him in my tummy :p

Also got a present from malika!

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

😆 20 July - laugh with sound

爸爸講一句,就不停對住爸爸笑, 哈哈地笑!

17 July - BCG vaccination

Week 1-6: Watch out for a small blister
Week 6-12: a red spotmight popped out.. Need extra care and use 紗布 to cover

Baby you are so strong 😘😘

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

15 July - nightmare

My baby woke up ard 2am and cry out loud.. which he just had 110 ml around 8:30pm at night ..
Don't know why.. He used to sleep over night.. But tonight... ;o
We fed him 100ml..
Then wake up ard 4:30am.. Cuddle him to sleep.. Put him down.. Cry.. At the end, put him to sleep next to me n on my breast until 8am in the morning ..
Fed him 100ml.. Then put him back to cot..
Wake up ard 9:40am.. Then cuddle him n sleep next to me .. Until 10:35am.. Then make him to sleep until 12:30pm..
Fed him 1:30pm
Sleep 1:45pm- 2:15pm
Put him to sleep again 2:45pm
Wake up again 3:15.. Put him back to sleep with me ard. 4pm until 5:15pm..

Fed 8:30pm.. Sleep 9pm

Sunday, 21 June 2015


My bb .. He can now sleep over night ,but with several err arr in between.. He can sleep ard 8-9am and cry for food on the next morning ard 5-6am.. This is much better than a month ago..
He's nearly 3 months . My bb is growing;)

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


被老公迫起床有多殘忍 :(
Baby just cried a few only n fell to sleep ..... So should I be wake up n waking him up? :o

乳汁不足 - soups

  木瓜鱼尾汤是一道特别适合产后身体虚弱,乳汁不足的产妇。产后妇女体虚力弱,如果调理失当,就会引起食欲不振,乳汁不足。要滋补益气,最好饮木瓜鱼尾汤。因为鱼尾能补脾益气,配以木瓜煲汤,则有通乳健胃之功效,最适合产后妇女饮用。    下面,就跟大家介绍一下这道美味有益的木瓜鱼尾汤的做法。  




  1、鱼尾清理干净鱼鳞,沥干水分;   2、木瓜削皮,去籽,切块;生姜刮皮、切片;   3、烧油锅,放进姜片爆香;   4、放进鱼尾,煎至金黄;翻面,同样煎至金黄;   5、加入6碗热开水,大火煮开后,继续大火煮15分钟;   6、加入木瓜,大火煮开后,转小火煮30分钟,放盐调味即可。






Thursday, 14 May 2015

Bb - 1 and 1/2 months

1 and 1/2 month... Still struggling with feeding n sleeping.. Cries alot at day n night.. How can I improve it??? ;(
Hope he's growing well n be a good boy..
Mummy loves you

Thursday, 7 May 2015

8 May - fuzzy day

Baby wants more milk...
For some reason, my milk doesn't come through even I had 4 bowls of fish soup last night :(
Fed my bb with some formula again :(
Why? What should I eat now?? ;(

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Mummy's fashion- carrier

Just realised baby carrier or wrap can be fashionable for mummys.. It's like taking a LV bag out ;o

After a few thoughts, we just bought a standard carrier at the end from sleepstore..
Manduca limited edition:) with $10 discount, it costs $239 in total..
I can share the same carrier with my hubby :)

6 May 2015 - first immunisation

Taking bb to Dr for the week 6 immunisation...
One oral drop n 2 injections on his legs..
Bb is doing well, just cried once injected..
But mummy was heartbreaking when he gets injected..

The next one will be 6 month one...

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Bb 滿月

BB滿月喇!同時又係我解放的日子 :)
Shower is the first thing I would do :) wash my long sticky hair :p
Relaxed after shower :D my hair is not as heavy as before!!

Next ordered a chocolate cake for my bb.. Just had a little celebration with families.
Rainy day.. Actually quite heavy n windy.. Managed to get into the car n going to in law place..
Had yum char for lunch, then red egg with 七彩湯圓 :) yummy
Then followed by a cake once my dad arrived around 3pm..
Take lot of photo.. Dad gave bb a gold chain necklace..
Sister already gave one to him when she's in nz couple weeks before..
Red pocket from Kepo n KTN.. Bro already gave to bb when my dad went back to hk last time..

All good !!  Bb was sleeping throughout the whole cut cakes process..  ;/
Bb is growing.. Mummy loves u

5 May 2015 - tried a new method to sleep

After plunket nurse visit, dad managed to let bb sleep by himself..
10:05pm - finished feeding of 100ml of formula n changed nappy
10:06pm - leave him on his own warm cot and we leave him in the room with lights off
Couple minutes after, bb started crying until 10:25pm crying slowed down
10:46pm - stopped crying .. We checked couple minutes later.. Bb is sleeping now :) settling by himself:) good boy my sweetheart
忍心了好多次 :(

Friday, 24 April 2015

25/4/2015 Anzac Day 接近一個月

坐月子快近一個月,距離洗澡洗頭的日子也𣎴遠 :)
This also means my bb is almost a month old :) good boy

Still haven't got a proper routine yet...
We should have a set time for feeding n sleeping .. Finally I've got a bit more of milk, but still have an issue to put him in sleep...  ;(
 Hubby is going to work soon, I need to train him

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

23/4/2015 辛苦

快一個月,希望他能快高長大 😉😘

Monday, 20 April 2015

21/4/2015 - Day 26 taking my baby to see specialist

Another specialist visit today!!
Since we've been seeing lactation consultant at NSH last week, they suggest us to see the specialist for further advice..
My baby seems can not sucking probably, it is possible that he might have a tongue tight at the back of the tongue.. Difficult to get milk from me. May be it's my issue.. So I start drinking 通奶湯

Thursday, 9 April 2015

29 March - 3rd night

Horrible 3rd night - 29 March 
- have to stay in the hospital by myself n bb again as the specialist is coming in Monday . 
To check bb's yellow level and myself..
- supposed to have someone to look after me on a regular basis.. However the nurse ends up to the theatre for the second half of the night.. Helpless night ;(  
Baby cries for the whole night and wants to suck suck suck all night long..  I have to leave him in bed n squeeze a minute to the bathroom as the other nurse said he will be alright to stay in bed!! Crazy thought 

Another patient came early morning around 3-4am after c-section.. And her husband stayed with her until ard 7..
My baby cries couple times, I'm so worry that might wake up their baby.. Their baby was just born, so he's very tired.. Sleep sleep didn't wake him up every time..

2/4/2015 - Day 8

8 days old - 2/4/2015
Just weighted myself : 57.3kg
Finally we have decided to call him - Jaden :)

Feature: Love to sleep with his mouth open :p

Didn't had a good sleep last night n waking up on every hour .. Still unable to control my urine :( practice practice !

1 April - Day 6 milk comes

Finally my milk comes on day 6, which people normally have milk on day 3... >< poor baby, mummy didn't know that u r not feeding enough..  ;/

Yesterday everyone is so worry as my baby continues crying
Tried the breast pump, it doesn't work; hand squeeze doesn't flow properly..  Eventually, bought a tin of formula milk  from supermarket.. BB gets satisfied after 50ml of formula milk.. 

10/4/2015 Day 15

終於見到 a stream of milk from my breast.. It's only a tiny stream.. But it's improving my milk supply to my bb..
My bb is getting grumpy n ignored by sucking mine for a small amount of milk.. He prefers to use bottle!! ;(
I need to train him back n feeding him directly even it hurts ;s

Sleepless last night again.. We are in the routine that my husband looks after him for the first part of the night.. And I look after ard 4am until morning!
Both of us don't have enough sleep every night .. What a new parents are >~<

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

30 March 2015 - our 2nd anniversary n discharge day!

Finally I'm able to leave the hospital and bring my little one home.. Home sweet home :) I miss my bed my house my everything..

Sleepless again.. Bb keeps sucking all night, couldn't let go.. A night shift nurse suppose to help, however she turned to the theatre for most of the time.. Helpless night... Another nurse couldn't help, she just said u have to deal with it n let ur baby sucked for the whole night..  >< bb stick with me and sucking for the whole night.. It's very tiring for my little man :(

Around 6am, called my hubby to come earlier n look after my bb while I'm resting... Well I know my hubby is tired too... He stays late n get up earlier is difficult for him.. Daddy gogogo!!!

7 April- Day 11

My baby is 11 days old now.. 
I'm still unable to feed him all at once.. Don't know if it's because of my milk flow .. He seems fine with sucking on my breast.. 
I eat lot of rice that previous.. Don't know why.. So worry, don't want to give him formula all the time..

Well my milk only came on day 6.. He already has an temper 

Sunday, 5 April 2015

25 March - contraction starts

昨晚已經有少少M痛的感覺。但今晚差不多每幾分鐘一次,轉身又停了一下,轉頭又再來。真的睡不著了。好彩現在是5:30am , 總算有睡過好幾個小時。

Go back to bedroom n try to sleep again, Slept back ard 7am and wake up ard 10 due to the contraction.. And upset tummy.. Went to bathroom.. Bloody show starts.. However contraction is not as much often as before.. 

Rang midwife, she said bloody show could last couple days.. Wait until contraction is 3 mins apart.. Then u have to go to hospital


26 March - contraction is more stronger

Contraction is getting more stronger.. Try to sleep, but wake up at 12am with more often contractions..  Going in n out to the bedroom n lounge for the whole night.. Coz don't want to wake my hubby up..
Finally stayed until 5am, asked hubby to call midwife..
She came over around 9am n check if the cervix is open to the level where it's the time to the hospital.
Unfortunately cervix is only about 4cm.. Still have to wait n ask me not to lie down on the bed n do things as usual.. But I already upto the stage where I can't do anything n no appetite... Hubby cooked some lunch for me, but I can't finish .. So we start watching TV n keep me away from pain..

23 March - another scan

Another liquid volume and BPP scan today.. Everything goes to normal now..
Had a meeting with my midwife, Baby's head is engaged now.. Less space for him to move his head.. It's getting there :) not sure if it will be before due date or not .. Wait and see!!
Midwife only does something if there is 41 weeks n 5 days overdue.. 
Bb will u be coming out soon?? Tick tak, tick tak....

Monday, 23 March 2015

Good info: 10 signs that labor is coming

And info about contraction:

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Week 38 + 3 days scan

Just did a scan...
Liquid volume is low!! And size of the stomach is smaller than the last time.,
Rang the midwife n the Dr suggested to do another scan in a week's time, also monitoring bb movement this week.. No major issue yet .... ;(

Bb hope u r ok n ready to see mummy n daddy soon..
Don't drink too much 羊水!

Week 38 3days n 4 days - 肚荷

Very good reading book - online 女性身邊私密書

Just found an online reading book.. It's worth to read and it's free!!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Week 38 still no signs

So strange.. I don't feel anything at all on my week 38.. Apart from hiccups at night.. Not sure if it is a fake contraction or not.. Check it out with my midwife today then..
How are you my precious princes?? :)

Came back from midwife visit, as my tummy size is a bit small compared to the last time. My midwife wrote another scan form for me to go n do a growth n liquid volume scan again this week..

Quickly booked for tomorrow..

Monday, 9 March 2015

Week 37

Week 37 la!! 
Bb is still rolling in my tummy.. Nothing obvious happen.. Just feels like period coming couple times.. Bb Hiccups at night.. 
I'm in the waiting game now .... 

4 March

我的小可愛將會來臨 :)

Also received some many goodies from work n my colleagues.. So thoughtful n thankful.. Get spoiled:)
Bb you have to come smoothly!! Mummy loves u :)

Just did a scan, he is about 3 kg now!! Gosh.. Can't see that heavy from my tummy..

Week 36

Bb looks like in a normal position, mummy less stress now.. His thighs n bum is moving all the time.. And the right side is the placeta.  成日都有夠野腫起咁。還以為BB's bum 添 :p silly mum ! 

It's already week 36!! I'm still driving n catch bus to work..  3 more days, I'll be on leave lu!! 

Sunday, 22 February 2015

22 February- self photo shooting day

Starts from 2-5pm very tired.. 
Hopefully can have some nice photos :)

21 February- last antental class

Baby practice... Wrapping n changing nappies..
Hubby is paying attention n practice very seriously.  Good boy :)

17 Feb - midwife visit

Visiting day!

My midwife gave me a paperwork for the last growth scan n blood test.. And to be done on my week 35 of pregnancy..
But this time, she's uncertain whether my little baby is head down or upward when she's trying to feel the position on my tummy... A bit worry now :/
Going to do a scan next week to see if my bb is at the right position....
And blood test after that.. Full on

Saturday, 14 February 2015

14 February 2015 - last Valentine's Day before our little precious born

Third antenatal class this morning!!
It's learning how to breastfeeding your baby..
Afterward, we had lunch at Musashi
Then go to walk around..
My honey bought 3 pairs of shoes today!! And a top!!
Crazy guy!!

Nothing for my little valentine :p mummy will get something for u on our first date :)
Then go home n take a rest...
Dinning at momotea to end our sweet dating:)

Junjun is doing well, didn't kick mama a lot today.. Good boy

Friday, 30 January 2015

31 January- first antenatal class

Surprisingly there are only 2 kiwis in my class, which I was joint in a English speaking class.. It is an international class instead!!

So sleepy n tired after the class, because I didn't had a good sleep last night... Wake up at 3am n sleep around 4:20am ><" too many things to think work wise!

Anyway my hubby said me n baby is more important now.. N don't give myself a pressure from work!!

Ok.. Let go let go!!

29 January- growth scan day!!

Finally seeing my little baby.... He's pretty good n normal size ,normal weight.. According from the scanner guy!! And based on kiwis average..

Good boy! Mummy loves u :)

Friday, 23 January 2015

20 January 2015 - midwife visit

Went to see my midwife today n check out my blood test..

Iron level is Slightly lower than average... My midwife wrote a presubscription for an iron tablet, however there are several side effects for iron tablets... Concipation is one of the effect!! That's already very common for a pregnant woman.. And if taking it.. I can't imagine what will happen..

So may be try to eat more iron ingredients food first...
Beef beef :/

Jun jun is growing :)

10 Jan 2015 - blood test

Glucose test today!!
Surprisingly my venes seems more appeal this time, the nurse can take blood from my left arm!! Usually do it on my palm..
I can only hear my blood is coming out steadily n faster than previous.

This test, I have to drink the whole bottle of sugar drink, taste like 7-up!! And wait in the centre for an hour.. Then get 4 tubes of blood :o

Wait for the result next week......

Friday, 16 January 2015

16 Jan 2015 - third trimester already

Time flies by... It's already third trimester.. Tomorrow will be week 30...

Junjun always turns harder n solid.. Why? Stressed? Run out of space?

Previously I can only feel a punch on one side, he is now very active n bigger.. Everytime when he punches, it punches on both sides n getting more stronger!!
Is it because he's a boy??

11 Jan 2015 - swollen feet

Left foot 小腿晚上忽然之間酸痛起來,趕緊叫醒老公安摸一下。不知是否叫做swollen 呢!
之後總會有點兒酸痛。 ~_~'' 駿駿,你要乖乖哦!

Friday, 9 January 2015

9 January 2015 - sick

Feeling sick for the whole day!!
Start from the wake up, feels like heartburn.. Don't feel like to eat anything in the morning..
Only had half cup of milk , and a biscuit when I arrived to work..
Lunch.. Don't feel like anything apart from soup. Then just had a hot chocolate n savoury muffin ..

Finally can't stay anymore at work.. Left 4:30!

Dinner.. Had soup n veg n rice.. Then go home n eat orange..

My lower leg muscle was suddenly very sore.. Wake my husband up n message for me.. ;(

January 2015!! New year

Jun jun kicking me many times everyday .. He used to do one side, but these couple weeks he kicks on both side