Wednesday 19 August 2015

Easy recipes

If u want something sweet, try this --

Lemon yoghurt muffins

 2 1/2 cups self-raising flour
 3/4 cup caster sugar
 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind
 1/4 cup lemon juice
 1 cup vanilla yoghurt
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 1 egg, lightly beaten
 Icing sugar mixture and lemon zest, to serve

Step 1 Preheat oven to 190°C/170°C fan-forced. Grease two 24-hole, 1 1/2 tablespoon capacity mini muffin pans.

Step 2 Combine flour and sugar in a bowl. Make a well in centre. Add lemon rind, lemon juice, yoghurt, oil and egg. Using a wooden spoon, stir until just combined.

Step 3 Spoon mixture into prepared pan holes. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, swapping pans halfway during cooking, or until golden an cooked through. Stand in pans for 3 minutes. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool. Dust with icing sugar. Top with lemon zest. Serve.

Bacon and cheese muffin

2 1/2 Cup Self Raising Flour
1 Egg
1 1/4 Cups milk
3/4 Cup Cheese
300gm Shoulder Bacon

Sift flour into bowl, stir in the rest of the ingredients. Do not over-mix. Spoon mixture into pan. Bake muffins for 25mins at 200C.
準備時間: 20分鐘 + 冷藏時間 
烹調時間: 35分鐘 
分量: 20片 (我用 4.8cm 直徑的圓形曲奇模) 


  • 牛油(奶油 butter 置室溫軟化)120克
  • 純糖霜(pure icing sugar)40克 
  • 低筋粉(cake flour) 150克 
  • 粘米粉 25克 
  • 鹽 1/8茶匙 
牛油酥餅製作圖 Shortbread Cookies Procedures01
左上小圖:粘米粉 (rice flour).
牛油酥餅製作圖 Shortbread Cookies Procedures02


  1. 先把低筋粉,粘米粉和鹽拌勻。備用。 
  2. 用搞拌器把牛油打發至蓬鬆,分三次加糖霜,打勻至發白。 
  3. 分三次篩入麵粉混合物。用膠刮輕手拌勻。切勿過度搞拌。用手輕壓成麵團。轉至一張保鮮膜,用另一張保鮮膜覆蓋上面。然後用擀麵棍滾開成 1½ cm 厚的麵塊。封好,放入雪櫃(fridge)冷藏1小時,或可隔夜。 
  4. 預熱焗爐至 150C / 300F. 
  5. 拿出麵塊,置室溫約 10分鐘回軟些。用擀麵棍把麵塊滾壓至 1cm 厚。用曲奇餅模切出小麵團,置鋪了烘培紙的焗盤上。放入已預熱的焗爐中,焗約25分鐘。熄火,讓曲奇餅留在焗爐中燜焗多 10分鐘。中途可把焗盤轉方向,令曲奇餅平均受熱。(註:餘下的麵團,未入焗爐,可放回雪櫃中。待要做時,才拿出來跟這步驟繼續做。) 


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