Tuesday 25 August 2015

Growth spurt or teething?? 23 Aug

The last Sunday was another nightmare night..
Baby doesn't want to sleep even we cuddled him for 2 hours.. And then he keeps awaking on every 2 hours. My hubby just gives him a dummy, then he settled n fell to sleep couple times on that night..

On Monday, regular check at plunket.. Drove about 10 mins away from our house ..
He's growing and gained lots of weight!! Fat bb :p but healthy!!

We told the plunket nurse about last night.. She said could be another growth spurt or may be teething.. Asked us to give him some milk on second time he woke up.. Umm.. Seems no one knows if it is a real growth spurt..
Luckily the same things didn't happen.. It could be just teething!

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